Click on the dates below to view the meeting agendas/minutes from all committee meetings and major presentations:
Academic Year 2023-2024
Academic Year 2022-2023
September 28, 2022
October 12, 2022
October 26, 2022
November 9, 2022
November 30, 2022
December 14, 2022
February 8, 2023
February 22, 2023
March 8, 2023
March 22, 2023
April 12, 2023
April 26, 2023
Academic Year 2021-2022
September 15, 2021
Agenda (see Minutes Here)
Reading: please read Race on Campus: DEI or Antiracism? in advance to help set the context for our meeting.
- Welcome back to campus and to a new academic year!
- Jane Wong charges the Task Force/Committee for AY 2021-2022
- Our focus and Teams this academic year
- Committee members introduce themselves — “what do I want to work on and what experiences I bring to this work” in the context of the charge and focus on curricular transformation this year.
- Next meeting: Wednesday, October 6, 9:00 am – Business/Work meeting
October 6, 2021
1. Team Memberships
Advising/Orientation courses: Barnack-Tavlaris, Grimm, McGreevey, Wright
Course Development: LeMorvan, Steele, Steinberg, Williams
Structure of the Major and Department Culture: Francis, Gray, Leigey, Wiley
School and College: Gazley, McMann, Onyewuenyi, Toloudis, Wong
2. Task for each Team: Identify best practice models (programs) at TCNJ and elsewhere that have incorporated anti-racist [advising/courses/structure of the major/School- and/or College-wide] practices and how those would work in HSS and at TCNJ.
Goal: Recommend best practices for HSS/TCNJ; to serve as an exemplar for our campus
Process: a) How are we going to find/identify them?
- b) How will we know they are “best practices”?
- c) How will we know these would be successful here?
Timeline: By January 19, 2022 – each team will submit a document and presentation with their recommendations (i.e., something that could be submitted to Steering for consideration and posted for our community to view). Prior to submission to Steering, these will be presented at the Spring, 2022 All-School Meeting on February 2, 2022 to commence the public comment/input period.
To facilitate each Team meeting this goal, here at the intermittent steps in developing your report:
- By November 3’s Business/work meeting: a “method” section that articulates “How are we going to identify them (best practices)?”
- By December 1’s Business/work meeting: Business/work meeting: a preliminary list of best practices, and
- By January 19: the Final Report, as described above.
To meet this timeline, each Team will meet on the second and fourth weeks of the month (e.g., weeks of Oct. 11 and Oct. 25) to work on the task.
3. Shaun Wiley will present a brief example from Psychology about the Structure of the major and Lisa Grimm will present a brief example about Advising that could serve as guideposts for our work.
4. Break into Teams to schedule a time to meet during the second and fourth weeks.
5. Preview of our Oct. 20 Community Building Meeting – Janet Gray and Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris will facilitate a discussion about “Practicing Antiracism: A Guide for White People and Non-Black People of Color”.
November 3, 2021
Each Team will present its “Method” section re “How are we going to identify the best anti-racist policies/practices?” The audience will ask clarifying questions and provide feedback.
9:05-9:15 Advising/Orientation courses: Barnack-Tavlaris, Grimm, McGreevey, Wright
9:15-9:25 Course Development: LeMorvan, Steele, Steinberg, Williams
9:25-9:35 Structure of the Major and Department Culture: Francis, Gray, Leigey, Wiley
9:35-9:45 School and College: Gazley, McMann, Onyewuenyi, Toloudis, Wong
9:45 Next Steps:The Teams will continue to meet on the second and fourth weeks of the month (e.g., week of Nov. 8 and Nov. 22; unless rescheduled due to the Thanksgiving break) to continue their work. November 17 – Community Building Meeting, Topic TBD (suggestions welcomed!) By December 1’s Business/work meeting – each Team will present a preliminary list of best practices.
December 1, 2021
Each Team will present a preliminary list of best practices followed by a discussion about how to move forward next semester.
February 2, 2022
Debriefing from HSS School Meeting where the Introduction to Practicing Antiracism Guide was discussed
February 16, 2022
All members will read the reports and documents created by the Teams in advance of the meeting and look for areas of overlap or priority.
Our goal for the meeting is to identify goals that will guide our work for the rest of the semester.
Committee agreed to focus on developing HSS Antiracism learning goals and creating a plan for implementing the learning goals.
March 2, 2022
Reviewed and commented on the HSS Antiracism learning goals drafted by the School Team
March 30, 2022
Updates: School Team will continue to work on the HSS Antiracism learning goals and these goals will be the focus of the April 13 meeting
Other Teams need to be focused on how to implement and incorporate the learning goals within the scope of their work.
Discussion of the process for implementing the HSS antiracism learning goals. Our process will be to draft a memo to the HSS Curriculum Committee to charge our group with gathering initial testimony from key stakeholders and using that feedback to revise the goals. The HSS Curriculum Committee will manage the testimony and feedback process from all HSS faculty in Fall 2022 and will be the voting body.
April 13, 2022
The Committee invited members of the Committee on Faculty Affairs to discuss the Preliminary Recommendation for Revised Service Expectations in the Reappointment and Promotions Document. Our committee had initiated the review of the service expectations when we submitted a memo to CFA and Steering in March 2021.
April 20, 2022
School Team presented a final draft of HSS Antiracism learning goals. Committee reviewed and revised goals. Present members of the committee voted unanimously to approve the draft and the draft will be sent to the Department of African American Studies for initial feedback.
Our next meeting is the last meeting of the academic year. We will discuss the preamble to the goals and get updates from the other Teams, with a presentation planned by the Major and Department Team.
Academic Year 2020-2021
October 7, 2020
Agenda (See Minutes here)
- Announcement (Budget, Website)
- Budget is roughly 4,000
- Will hold off on purchasing books
- Check with library
- Curate lists of articles and other short form media (podcasts, TED talks, etc.)
- Website content
- Meeting minutes
- Subcommittee work
- Link to other reserves across campus (AVI, Bias response, etc.)
- Discussion and Prioritizing Subcommittee Goals and Action Steps
- Curriculum & Signature Experiences
- Assessment
- Faculty
- Student Life
- Subcommittee tasks by next meeting
November 4, 2020
Agenda (See Minutes here)
- Update and review Committee Activity Reports (asynchronously)
- Book update and Website preview (Send website information for subcommittees to Lisa Grimm by Wednesday, November 11)
- Review of Goals from Student Life Committee
- Items from Subcommittee:
- Assessment: None
- Curriculum and Signature Experiences: None
- Faculty: None
- Student Life: See above
- Discuss Visit by Diane Goodman
- General Check in
December 2, 2020
Agenda (See Minutes will be posted after approval)
- Approve minutes from 11/4/20 meeting (asynchronously)
- Discuss Visit by Diane Goodman
- Anti-racism teaching capacity survey to faculty
- Inclusive excellence in signature experience survey to Chairs
- Communication with chairs (regarding where to post job ads, curriculum, signature experience)
- Send all together? Prioritize and split up?
- Communication at all-school meeting
- Dean’s role in the spring
HSS School Meeting, February 3, 2021
Here is the slide deck from the presentation: HSS School Meeting
March 3, 2021
- Review memo on revising the Reappointment and Promotions document for CFA.
- Discuss best practices for generating student focus groups on departmental cultures.
- Overload report data.
April 14, 2021
- Updates:
- Memo regarding service in RPD to Steering & CFA
- Anti-racism in governance
- Meeting with PSY DEI interns re: website
- Reminder to advocate for course feedback items
- Anti-racism advocates
- Assessment Committee
- Report on MUSE data
- Review email requests to R&R
- Bi-semester record pull request for I & IPs
- Note fake IPs: Ed dual majors and IDS 103 (CEL)
- Student PAWS IDs for signature experiences taken over the last 6 years
- Bi-semester record pull request for I & IPs
- discuss whether subcommittee or Dr. Grimm should submit requests
- Comments on student survey draft
- Request for planning documents for AY 2021-2022 by end of year
May 10, 2021
- Announcements
- Please comment on CFA’s Preliminary Recommendation re: SOSA
- Subcommittees, please send reports of this year’s work and next year’s goals to Lisa and Shaun no later than June 10th.
- Report from Anti-Racism Advocates
- Website update by Lisa
- WILL Capstone on Anti-Racism
- Critical self-reflection: What have we accomplished? What do we need to do better to be more effective in the fall?
- Other business