The HSS Chairs’ Council consists of all department chairs and program directors in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences convenes the Chairs’ Council approximately once a month during the academic year while classes are in session (e.g., excluding winter or spring breaks). The Dean consults with the Chairs’ Council on matters of school-wide importance such as operational questions affecting departments, programs, and faculty in the School as well as matters related to the implementation of college-wide policies and the development and implementation of school-wide policies. Accordingly, the Chairs’ Council advises the Dean on all such matters and issues. Members of the Chairs’ Council may request to put an item on the agenda of any given Chairs’ Council meeting and may make recommendations to the Dean on all matters of policy, strategy, and operational planning affecting departments, programs, and faculty in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Dean regularly consults with the Chairs’ Council on any measures suggested by the Governance Advisory Council.
HSS Department Chairs and Program Directors 2024-2025
African-American Studies: Dr. Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp@tcnj.edu)
Criminology: Dr. David Mazeika (mazeikad@tcnj.edu)
English: Dr. Felicia Steele, Associate Chair (steele@tcnj.edu)
Environmental Studies: Dr. Diane Bates (bates@tcnj.edu)
History: Dr. Michael Marino (marino@tcnj.edu)
International Studies: Dr. Zakiya Adair (adairz@tcnj.edu)
Philosophy, Religion, & Classical Studies: Dr. Consuelo Preti (preti@tcnj.edu)
Political Science: Dr. Sarah Chartock (chartock@tcnj.edu)
Psychology: Dr. Shaun Wiley (swiley@tcnj.edu)
Sociology & Anthropology: Dr. Lynn Gazley (gazleyj@tcnj.edu)
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies: Dr. Marla Jaksch (jakschm@tcnj.edu)
Women In Leadership and Learning Program: Dr. Cecilia Colbeth (colbeth@tcnj.edu)
World Languages & Cultures: Dr. Mariamar Huguet-Jerez (huguet@tcnj.edu)
Ex Officio