All HSS Departments are required to submit annual assessment reports to LOAC (The HSS Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee) once their Assessment Plan has been approved.
Departments must follow these instructions in preparing their annual assessment reports:
- Reports should be five pages (or less) but the length must be determined by the content of the report, not a universal minimum or maximum. Most HSS assessment reports reviewed in AY 2014-15 were 2-5 pages in length.
- The report must specify which previously approved learning outcomes are assessed in the report.
- The report must describe how these learning outcomes were assessed (i.e., the methods of assessment).
- The report must specify who conducted the assessment. This is not a request for individual names, but the number of people and role of people involved. Examples: a committee of four faculty members; the faculty member teaching the relevant course; the program assistant; the faculty member charged with departmental assessment.
- The report must summarize the findings of the assessment. Supporting data tables, rubrics, and other documents may be included as appendices, but are not necessary.
- The report must NOT include any raw data or potentially personal information (such as names of students, the text of actual assignments, or faculty names).
- The report must include a summary of what the department will do with the assessment findings.
- The draft of the assessment report that will be reviewed by LOAC may be submitted as a MS Word document, but once approved by LOAC, final reports must be submitted for posting to the HSS website in BOTH word and pdf formats.
- Annual assessment reports from one academic year should be submitted to LOAC ideally before November 1of the following academic year, but not later than December 15. Departments that have prepared their annual reports before November 1 are encouraged to submit as soon as reports are complete.
Departments with any questions about these instructions are encouraged to contact the chair of the HSS Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee well in advance of the submission of their annual report.