Internships (Independent and Class-based) in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Please enter a start date on your paperwork that is at least 1 week after you submit into the HSS proposal portal.
To find an internship, there are resources provided by your department, and The Career Center lists many opportunities for students in HSS.
Proposal Process:
1. Students should verify that they are eligible (TCNJ GPA of 2.0 and at least 3 earned TCNJ units). Students may count no more than 3 units of internship toward a TCNJ degree.
2. Students interested in completing an internship for academic credit need to work with a faculty sponsor to write an internship course proposal that contains:
- “The proposal should state the number of credit hours from any previous internship, as well as the semester taken and the firm, institution, or agency where the internship was completed.
- The proposal must explain exactly how credits are to be earned, what on-the-job activities will be required of the intern, and how these activities relate to program learning goals and objectives.
- The proposal must describe the methods of evaluating the internship to be used by the faculty supervisor, which may include evaluation(s) by the on-site supervisor.
- The proposal must specify learning goals and objectives. The learning goals may be general to all internships in a department (at a particular course level) and/or be specific to the particular internship experience.”
[Requirements quoted from TCNJ Internships policy (August 3, 2016): Section III.C]
4. Upload the the course proposal into the HSS Internship Proposal System (link is below)
You must get email approvals from your department prior to uploading forms into the system.
Assistant to the Dean Kay Potucek will approve AFTER you have submitted your paperwork.
You do not need the R&R Enrollment form for independent courses. As part of the process of submitting enrollment paperwork, you will be uploading email evidence of approval by your Faculty Sponsor and Department Chair (if applicable). Assistant to the Dean Kay Potucek will sign as the Dean after reviewing your course materials and will send your course information directly to Records & Registration for enrollment.
For internships that are not virtual, your internship site must allow you to wear a mask and socially distance, and provide access to hand sanitation. Please have a discussion with your internship site supervisor and your faculty sponsor prior to submitting your internship course paperwork.
Please submit early to avoid missing registration deadlines (found here: You will get an e-mail from the Dean’s Office when your paperwork is submitted to Records & Registration.