The HSS Peer Mentoring Program has extended the fall sign up deadline for MENTORS* and MENTEES to October 1. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow HSS students! *If you are wondering if this is a good fit for you, please join a Zoom HSS Peer Mentor training session next week: 9/30 at 8:30pm (flyer attached.) Questions can be shared with the HSS Peer Mentors E-board via email (hsspeermentor@tcnj.edu) and Instagram (@hsspeermentoring_tcnj).
Fall 2021 Training Sessions
Zoom link: https://tcnj.zoom.us/j/99216619221?pwd=OWQxa1JxbzU5YlowUjhWdWdjKzMwUT09
Fall 2021 Information Sessions: