The mission of the Student Advisory Council is to discuss matters of importance to students and make policy recommendations to the Dean; the Student Advisory Council is also charged with discussing questions brought forward by the Dean. The Student Advisory Council is led by a chair, vice chair, and secretary, all of whom are duly elected senators in Student Government of The College of New Jersey.
The SAC meets with the dean 4-5 times per semester during the academic year.
The SAC appoints members to serve on the HSS Curriculum Committee, as well as to special ad hoc task forces and committees that might be established in any given year. Any HSS student may come to a meeting of the SAC; meetings are open to the public. However, students who wish to speak at a meeting of the SAC must request permission to do so in advance of the given meeting by contacting the chair of the SAC (the head HSS senator). Non-members of the SAC do not have the right to vote at SAC meetings.